Men’s Bible Study
Join us every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month starting with dinner and followed by the study. We are meeting on Monday, March 17th at 6 PM.
Men's One Step & Women's Walking in Freedom
Our men's one step ministry is meeting every Thursday at 7 PM.
Our women's walking in freedom ministry is meeting every 1st and 3rd Thursday at 7 PM.
Young Adults
We will be meeting on Friday, March 28th at 7pm. Please join us if you are between the ages of 17 to 29 for a time to connect with on another, worship together and dive into The Word.
Outreach at the Park
Join us as we invite our community to come to our church on Friday, March 21st at 6 PM at the Monrovia Library Park.
Marriage Ministry Brunch
Join us on Saturday, March 15th at 11AM for brunch, worship, a devotional and fellowship. This is a free events! Please sign up HERE.
Kids Summer Program
Our Academy will be offering our very first Summer Program for 2nd - 6th Grade. The cost is $600 for six weeks, 10% off for any additional siblings. The program begins July 7th - August 21st with a break the week of 7/21 for VBS. We will meet Monday - Thursday from 8:30am - 12:30pm. Register HERE!
We are accepting applications for next school year! We are accepting applications from students entering Kinder through 3rd Grade. If you are interested, you can visit the website or email
Servants Needed
We have several ministries that are in need of servants - if you are called to serve, click on this link to let us know which ministry you’d like to serve in:
Shuttle Service + New Parking Lot
We want to remind everyone that we have our shuttle service available during 2nd and 3rd service for those. We also have a new parking lot available that we can now utilize, it is located along Myrtle, south of Midas. There will be an usher there who will direct traffic in and out of the lot. We encourage servants or those who are able to utilize this parking lot and leave the convenient parking spaces for those who might need it.
Prayer Meeting
We will have our monthly prayer night on Sunday April 6th at 5pm.

Download our app in the Google Play Store or the App Store. Just search for Calvary Chapel Monrovia
You can listen to Pastor Richard every Sunday morning at 11:30 a.m. on Word of Life Radio on KKLA, 99.5 FM